GreenEDU project is promoting green skills in higher education that help graduates boost their chances of employment since there is a need for skilled individuals for the new green industry to promote green economy and a sustainable development.
An e-Toolkit and Green HE Strategy will be developed to help build the capacity of HE educators to implement activities on the green economy to improve their green competences to prepare and implement a Green Higher Education Action Plan. Mobile Augmented Reality Games and Digital Escape Rooms will be developed, aiming at the infusion of alternative strategies and methodologies for developing a broad set of knowledge, skills to sufficiently support HEIs students to develop the new skills and competences required by the green economy in the changing labour market.
Project duration:
Dec 2024 – Nov 2026 (24 months)
EUR 250 000
The e-Toolkit will be developed to prepare and implement a Green Higher Education Action Plan,
GreenEDU AR Green Curriculum to build the capacity of HE educators,
A learning design framework will be produced for promoting HE student’s digital and green skills,
Digital Escape Rooms and Animation Videos,
At least 500 HE students will directly participate in the GreenEDU implementation activities